Celebrity scandals, embarrassments and gaffes

Video of the Day

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

On 9:10 PM by Staff   No comments


Crystal Harris didn't just break Hugh Hefner's heart when she broke off their engagement days before their June wedding. Now she wants his dog, too!

"I told Crystal she could keep the engagement ring and Bentley (a wedding gift) if I could have our puppy [Charlie]," Hefner, 85, tweeted Tuesday. "But now she wants all three."

Hefner's former girlfriend, Holly Madison, was outraged. She tweeted to Harris, "Why did you voluntarily give the dog to Hef (who loves him too) after you left, only to ask for him back a few months later?"

Kendra Wilkinson tweeted to the Playboy mogul she was "sorry" he had to "go through this."

"That dog loves you so much," Wilkinson, 26, wrote about the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. "[Crystal] abandoned him and now she wants him back. She's mean, mean, mean."

"Dogs shouldn't be yanked from happy homes on a whim," Madison, 32, added. "She needs to quit attention-seeking!"

Right after Hefner and Harris, 25, split, he tweeted that she "brought Charlie back because she thinks he's happier here and I appreciate it, because I really missed him.'

Harris auctioned off the 3.39 carat circular-cut diamond Hefner gave to her in October. The engagement ring was worth an estimated $90,000 and sold for $47,500 at the Christie's Auction...More


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